35th  Annual
National  Narrow  Gauge Convention
Sept. 2nd-5th,  2015   in  Houston, Texas


For registration questions, contact...
  Chuck Lind
  3680  County Rd 324
  Navasota,  Texas  77868
  (979) 219-3305
  chucklind46   @   gmail.com

If you have any questions, please ask...
  You can email us, or call us, or even write us !

Any questions or issues using this web-site,
please email  Frolin Marek ...
  webmaster @ nngc-2015.com

The [email] buttons found on various pages (like above), should automatically open
   a 'new message' window in the 'email software' you have installed on your PC.
If you do not actually have email software installed on your PC  ( i.e. using web-mail ),
   simply create a new email in your service and type the appropriate address (below).
Please start the  'Subject'  field with   NNGC 2015 -    and 2-3 words like  Registration,
  Clinic option,  Home layouts,  some questions  or such.

chucklind46 @ gmail.com   =  for all registration matters,
    for general Attendees and for Vendors

info @ nngc-2015.com  =  for matters about Clinics,
    Home Layouts, and other questions or options

news @ nngc-2015.com  =  to sign up for News emails,
    about the event and web site updates

webmaster @ nngc-2015.com  =  to contact our web-master
    about the web-site, questions, report issues or such

( when typing the address do not include the space on either side of the  @  symbol )

Having browser or screen issues?  Open this  PDF  file to see what the site pages look like on most computers.
Is your screen display set to small?  Your 'resolution' should be set at least 1024x768  (higher numbers are better).

