South  Texas

Railroad  Socials

Hybrid Social   -   September 25th, 2021

This was our 20th gathering and second time being Hybrid, both in person and virtual.
We had about 35 people in attendance,  at the Longhorn Cafe and over Zoom.

We had three presentations plus other material.  Gene talked about the railroad that should have been, if the Kerrville Branch had gone further.
Bill showed us how he scratch-built a Mobile Rock Crusher in HO scale.  Bliss talked about the  Railway Museum of San Angelo.
We had some  Show-n-Tell  displays,  heard the LSR Division report,  and saw a couple of video clips for entertainment.

Some of our  "Speakers"  were remote, via Zoom, so extra hardware allowed us to both, benefit from folks in not town sharing, plus
let us see the people while talking, on a second screen.  Plus, folks attending via Zoom had the option of viewing the room from
four different angles using extra cameras that were setup on-site.  This was not a basic Zoom session thingy done at a meeting.

Below is a collection of photos and screen grabs from video, of the event, to give you an example of the material presented plus the feeling of what folks saw,
if they were in the room or if attending over Zoom.  You will see various angles, including remote Speakers on one screen with their Presentation on the other.

- -  click any photo to expand,  or better yet click the first and scroll thru the collection  - -
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